Many of our students averaged around 3-4 hours of sleep last night, eagerly anticipating ALL that God has for them on this trip! A smooth flight plus a slightly longer line 😬 in immigration than we are use to, we were incredibly happy to see Stephen and Kendra on the other side (all bags and luggage made it by the way - thanks for praying! 😍)
Our first meal shared together at RostiPollo for a traditional Costa Rican spread. Then on to what will be home - our beloved Franco's. Dinner and then an evening of cell group with a local Costa Rican family kicked off the first day beautifully.
Today was long, we are tucking into bed... But the message tonight at cell group was denying oneself and picking up the cross. A humble reminder to us all as we fully believe Jesus has sent us here to be His vessels and we pour ourselves out.
Thank you for loving us.
Praying for you all! God Bless you each and every day!