Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Day Care

One of the joys of working at the Abraham Project is getting to work on the Day Care. The AP has provided a safe place for those in the surrounding community. It is a highlight of our trip to be able to spend time in the classrooms each day. 

Our fearless leader Sarah prepared lessons before hand and our students have practiced them and then taught them each day. Monday and Tuesday the lesson was Introduing Prayer: how to pray, what prayer is, and where to pray. 

Depending on the age, the craft was a little different, but the lesson was the same. 

Using the hand as an illustration we had five points:

  • Praise God: praise means to admire. Psalm 66:17. Psalm 95:2. Praising God is telling him you love him and you need him.
  • Confess your sins: tell God anything you have done wrong and ask Him to forgive you. 1Joh 1:9. If we tell God what we have done wrong and that we are sorry he will forgive us and make us clean.
  • Thank God: "let us come into His presence with thanksgiving" Thank God for what He has done for you.
  • Pray for others: James 5:19. Pray for your friends and family. Pray for our brothers and sisters across the world to know God and be safe.
  • Pray for yourself.

So proud of our kids that have each taught, led, and crafted in the daycare! It's no easy task as the kiddos speak a different language than you!

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